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2020 Goals

As I've said in the past, I've never been a big fan of New Year's Resolutions. I tend to set small goals for myself as a way of life, regardless of what time of year it is, so this is more of a continuation of things I've already been doing.

With that said, here are my 2020 Goals. Like last year, they include:


First, I plan to finish the first draft of The Myth of Light, which I began on January 1st, 2019. I will also finish the Music the Gathering book, which was also started in 2019.

I also plan to finish the first draft of a novel playfully titled Path of Ghosts until I can come up with a better one. And I plan to finish the first draft of the fourth book in my The Call of the Fae series, The Queen of Wind and Wave.


I'd like to finish all edits on the Music the Gathering book, as well as all edits on The Myth of Light. So long as I finish all of that, I'll attempt to complete all edits on Dreams of the Demon. Very likely I'll end up editing a few books for the boyfriend as well. And possibly a few short stories.


I am nearly done with Duolingo's Irish Tree, and toward the end of 2019 I started the

Norwegian Tree with a friend. My goal is to completely finish the Irish Tree so that I can transition to learning from my Irish language book instead (with the hope of moving on to Rosetta Stone after that). Once the Irish Tree is finished, I'll focus more heavily on Norwegian in Duolingo.

Weight Loss

This has been an ongoing thing since 2018. I've lost a total of 59 pounds since I started this journey, 37 of them in 2018, and 22 of them in 2019. My goal is to lose 24 more pounds and then maintain that weight.


Like weight loss, this one has also been ongoing. I paid down a huge chunk of debt in 2019, and should pay off the last of it in 2020 (I've used a spreadsheet for many years that currently projects about 10 years into the future, so excluding emergencies and unforeseen circumstances, I can say with accuracy exactly when I'll pay things off). This one is really exciting because as soon as I pay everything off, I can focus more heavily on saving and investing, which will lead to my ultimate goal of writing full time.


I finished 63 books in 2019, and my goal was 50. There are a couple I'm still reading that will carry over into the new year, one of which I may even finish today. My new goal for 2020 will be 70 books.

So there you have it. My 2020 Goals, which are really just a continuation of my 2019 goals.


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