The Queen of Diamonds Launch Party
If you've been around on my social media, you're probably already aware that I'm doing what's called an "author takeover" this Saturday. What exactly is a takeover?
An author takeover occurs usually during an online book launch, though sometimes during other events. In this case the book is The Queen of Diamonds by Patricia Loofbourrow. The event will take place Saturday from 9 AM to 9 PM on Facebook. Just visit The Queen of Diamonds event page and you're "at" the party.
Be sure to click "Discussion" to see the conversations (the default is About).
Every hour a different author will "host." This means they will post things, lead discussions, and even do giveaways. When the hour is up another author will take over, and so on throughout the day until the event is over.
For those interested, my hour begins at 10 AM and ends at 11 AM. I intend to do a couple giveaways.
That's all there is to it. Readers and authors hanging out, talking about books, and maybe even winning some free ones. Can't stay the whole time? Drop by whenever you can. At least one author will be around to entertain you.